Age Requirement

For learner 3rd to 8th grade.

Camp Location

Jihe Complex, Ming Chuan University

Address: 3F, No.130, Jihe Rd. Shlin District, Taipei City


Instructional Objectives

  • Gaining hands-on experience in the pre-production and filming process.
  • Writing stories centered on the values and interests of young creators.
  • Post-production and editing techniques.
  • Complete a well-planned film project and understand each part of the workflow.


Course Outline

  • Camera Techniques
  • Positioning and basic set workflow
  • Camera motion and visual storytelling
  • Director and actor collaboration
  • Body language and storytelling
  • Storyboarding
  • Production workflow
  • Post-production and editing



Dec.28 (MON) Dec. 29 (TUE) Dec.30 (WED) Dec. 31 (THU) Jan. 1 (FRI)
9:10-10:00 Production planning and workflow Field



Camera Techniques Post-production and editing Preparation and Rehearsal
10:10-11:00 Basic scripting Positioning, body language and basic set workflow Post-production and editing Preparation and Rehearsal
11:10-12:00 Storyboarding Camera motion and visual strorytelling Post-production and editing Final Presentation
13:10-14:00 Dubbing Class DIY class Dubbing Class DIY class
14:10-15:00 Dubbing Class DIY class Dubbing Class DIY class
15:10-16:00 Dubbing Class DIY class Dubbing Class DIY class



1. The process of registration and payment must be completed before 20th, November.
2. Promotional offers are available for Early Bird, Group Registration (2 participants and above /apply for 2 course and above) and MCU faculty.
3. For EARLY BIRD applicants, please complete the process of registration and payment before 16th, October.  All the registration and payment made after 16th, October will not be valid for Early Birth discount.
4. MCU reserves the right to cancel part of/ or the entire camp with all payments refunded in the event that numbers of participants are insufficient.
5. Children must bring a water bottle, notebook and stationery needed each day.
6. All valuables must be left at home. MCU does not accept responsibility for the loss or damage to any property belonging to participants.
7. Lunch is provided every day during the camp period.
8. All special requirements/ medical conditions must be clearly stated on the application form which will be sent through E-mail after the process of registration is completed.
9. The hours of the camp are 9am-4pm each day.  After-camp care runs from 4.30pm-6pm.  Fee for after-camp care: NT $100 per time.
10. Information on activities is given in good faith. All activities are subject to change depending on weather condition, camp schedule and other arrangements.
11. MCU reserves the right to cancel, amend or alter activities accordingly.
12. No make-up class will be held and no refund will be made for course cancellation due to force majeure (such as typhoons or natural disasters.)  Class cancellations follow announcements made by the Taipei City Government.
13. Cancellation and Refund policy:
If you would like to apply for refund, please provide the original invoice. All the refund will be process as the same method of original payment.  Once if you made the payment with credit cards, the refund will only to be received by the credit card made the original payment.
Please be noted that no refund can be made if the documents is not appropriate or after the due day.

45 days prior of the start date: 100%
30-44 days prior of the start date: 70%
15-29 days prior of the start date: 50%
1-14 days prior of the start date: 30%
On the first day of the camp and after: 0%

14. If student need to take a leave due to personal reason, please contact 02-28824564  #8311 or Email: yuyi@mail.mcu.edu.tw, but there will be no make-up classes or a refund.


1.     報名及繳費截止日為11月20日。

2.     早鳥優惠具備優惠資格者請在繳費期限內(10月16號前)完成繳費即可享優惠折扣,逾期繳費者則取消優惠資格。

3.     午餐統一訂購的外送便當,如有特殊飲食需求請在電子表單內註明。

4.     有任何特別需求或是醫療狀況請在google form說明,google form會在報名完成後寄出。

5.     夏令營課程時間為每日早上9點到下午4點。早上8:30-9:00及下午4:00-4:30為接送時間。下午4:30-6:00為延托時間,延托費用為100元/次。

6.     請自備文具、筆記本、水壺…等個人物品,請勿攜帶貴重物品避免損壞、遺失,本中心不負保管責任。

7.     課程開始前30日電郵(Email)通知是否開班。

8.     若是不到開班人數,本中心將會取消課程並全額退費。

9.     本中心保有保有最終修改、變更、活動解釋及取消本活動之權利。

10.  課程期間如遇風災、地震、颱風或重大災害等不可抗力之因素,依照政府人事行政規定停課,故不退費

11.  課程期間,本中心工作人員將側拍活動情況並上傳本中心臉書粉絲團,歡迎家長加入本中心粉絲團【Ming Chuan MSCC 銘傳大學華語訓練中心】取得活動照片。如不希望孩子照片上傳至粉絲團,敬請來信告知本中心。如未於開課前告知本中心,則視為同意將活動照片上傳至臉書粉絲團。

12.  取消及退費標準:

課程開始前45天: 100%

課程開始前30-44天: 70%

課程開始前15-29天: 50%

課程開始前1-14天: 30%

課程開始當天: 0%

13. 若學員因個人因素須請假,請來電02-28824564  #8311 或 Email: yuyi@mail.mcu.edu.tw,不予補課且不退費。